Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You Don't Know Me...

Ben Folds-You Don't Know Me
How is it that an entire year-just about-or is it more-has passed without any thing new on here?

I am going to post as often as I can. I do not claim to be any music guru, I just know what I like, so that will be the focus of the New & Improved niknrob22052 blog. Ha ha. Feel free to add links and tell me what you think.

I want to let you know what I have been listening to. It goes in phases.

Phase One: Lily Allen and Kate Nash-two British girls who are very cheeky and fun. (Not G rated.)
Lily Allen -Smile
Kate Nash-Merry Happy

Phase Two: J Lo-say what you will, but I like her. (G rated)
Jennifer Lopez-ft. Ja Rule

Phase Three: pop music. This is the stuff my kids like that I wind up running over and over and over in my head. Then we take a line from a song and incorporate into our daily speak.
So this Bubble gum becomes us randomly singing "chew all of your bubble gum"
and this Melody was thought to be "like my eyeballs pop outta place" and then just the real chorus sung, on repeat with Ryan and I.
You get the gist...

Now I am on an Alica Keys are the boys...

State of Mind

A phase lasts a long time, so the Alicia kick may end up as a phase seeing as how I have a bunch of her cd's coming in from the library.

More to follow....

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