Thursday, January 28, 2010

Everybody Dance Now...

Everybody Dance Now...
I am feeling older and older daily.  We got the "Best Dance" music cd from the Library.  It was 20 year old music.  How is that possible?  No, C&C Music Factory Sweat on the radio lately...I know, but really?  That old?  And how is it that my kids know this music and, and (!) like it?  Laughing over here.  Forget that they just downloaded that fool who did "Pants on the Ground" on American Idol.  (Is he cleaning up?  I hope so.)

Speaking of feeling old.  I heard Grease Is The Word on the radio today.  It brought back a lot of memories and made me feel that much older!  I am so glad that I could be of that generation though.  I love to point out to my kids how these two compare:

And someone else was onto this mash up-high school style.  Someone call Glee!!

Now I want to tell you that the best invention EVER-my DVR-helps with my music addiction.  I DVR'd the Hope for Haiti show last week and finally got the nerve up to watch it.  I wanted to hear the music.  I admit, I skip through most of the talking because my heart can not take it all.  I would just wind up a blubbering mess on a Wednesday night.  But, I had to even skip through some of the music.  I love me some Taylor Swift, I do, but she did not sound so good live.  And of the back up singers outshined her by far.  However, the Jay-Z, Bono, The Edge & Rihanna  mash-up was great Mash up link!  Loved it.

Onto reason two to love my DVR.  The Grammy's.  I am not an award show fan.  I would rather see Teacher Awards broadcast on National TV then the entertainment industry patting themselves on the back...however...I love the music The Grammy's offer.  Crazy costumes, oddball pairings, it's all good. 
Can't wait.


  1. I can relate to starting to feel older and older. I'm going to be 40 next month and I feel like it just snuck up on me.

  2. C&C Music Factory - those were the days! And i don't regret any of them :)
    It's a good thing that you forwarded the talking parts in the Haiti Music Special - I was just sitting with my little one and crying throughout. She just couldn't understand why.
