Thursday, January 28, 2010

Everybody Dance Now...

Everybody Dance Now...
I am feeling older and older daily.  We got the "Best Dance" music cd from the Library.  It was 20 year old music.  How is that possible?  No, C&C Music Factory Sweat on the radio lately...I know, but really?  That old?  And how is it that my kids know this music and, and (!) like it?  Laughing over here.  Forget that they just downloaded that fool who did "Pants on the Ground" on American Idol.  (Is he cleaning up?  I hope so.)

Speaking of feeling old.  I heard Grease Is The Word on the radio today.  It brought back a lot of memories and made me feel that much older!  I am so glad that I could be of that generation though.  I love to point out to my kids how these two compare:

And someone else was onto this mash up-high school style.  Someone call Glee!!

Now I want to tell you that the best invention EVER-my DVR-helps with my music addiction.  I DVR'd the Hope for Haiti show last week and finally got the nerve up to watch it.  I wanted to hear the music.  I admit, I skip through most of the talking because my heart can not take it all.  I would just wind up a blubbering mess on a Wednesday night.  But, I had to even skip through some of the music.  I love me some Taylor Swift, I do, but she did not sound so good live.  And of the back up singers outshined her by far.  However, the Jay-Z, Bono, The Edge & Rihanna  mash-up was great Mash up link!  Loved it.

Onto reason two to love my DVR.  The Grammy's.  I am not an award show fan.  I would rather see Teacher Awards broadcast on National TV then the entertainment industry patting themselves on the back...however...I love the music The Grammy's offer.  Crazy costumes, oddball pairings, it's all good. 
Can't wait.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Musings from the 80's. Why you so weird.

Growing up in  LaLaLand, I think music was so prevalent. There was so much to choose from, even in days without internet and global communications as there are today. I remember going to visit my Dad in the Seattle area in the late 70's and thinking how behind they were (before grunge, remember?) I know this would not be the case in most of America now, but it lent itself to being able to discover gems that others, I realize still do not know. It often strikes me as odd, because everyone I grew up with can remember these. We were music pioneers. Or so we thought. We had KROQ, who claimed to be world famous, and now is. With New Wave the new thing and Punk in the background.

I tried to pass myself off as punk, but could never measure up. However, if you were a kid who knew nothing about music in those days, I could rattle off stuff and sound pretty wise and hip and have you believing I was cool and maybe a bit punk too.

I loved the likes of Aztec Camera, The Clash, De peche Mode, Blamange, Joe Jackson and the list could go on.

Take a gander at these. Have you heard them?

I have to admit, I like oddball music too. The more obscure I deem it to be, the better. (This lent to some of my punk pull offs). This leads me to They Might Be Giants. Seemingly one hit wonders with Birdhouse in Your Soul . However, not the case. Their music has been used for so many shows and things you would not expect. You're Not the Boss of Me Now is one of my faves and it was the title song for Malcolm in the Middle.  My kids like them too. The are quirky enough.
Some other quirky obscurities for your listening pleasure:

Now on to my rant (s) for the day.

Have you heard of Ke$ha? Tik Tok What is she, maybe 20, maybe? Singing how she is going to wash her mouth out with a bottle of Jack and likes boys who look like Mick Jager who could be her gandpa, by the way! Her mother must be so proud. But, it is catchy, and the kids can dance to it.

Did you hear? Sade has a new song out. What? Yes, I say. My hubby is a huge fan of hers. Some mood music if I do say so myself. But this new song is not sultry, not sweet, it is weird. It does not even sound like her. (Kind of like Nora Jones' new one).

Take a listen and weigh in...

Out to see Howie DayHowie Day and Serena Ryder tonight, with the kiddies...mine. Should be fun.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Waiting on the World to Change

A few topics today (may take two posts).  I want to start with John Mayer.  I really like John.  Or should I say his music?  I do not really know much about him personally.  We have seen him in concert, had a John phase of music, and do with each new album he puts out.  But, I have to say, after hearing his newest radio played song, Who Says I am seeing why people do not like him.  I have not yet really watched the video, maybe it will tell the story, from the 42 seconds I have watched so far, I think it may. 

With lyrics like “I don’t remember you looking any better, But then again, I don’t remember you,” I feel as if John may be a  player Use the girls up and spit them out.  Maybe.  As a woman, it just ticks me off.  Go get stoned John, fine, stay up late, and even be blatant about using women, but do not be mad when you are not liked.

Onto a guilty pleasure…you know you like it.
That’s right, American Idol .  I admit it, I love it.  I watch every episode and enjoy it.
However, I just get so irritated during the try out episodes.  I think I am delusional, because I believe I may know something about auditions, not that I have been on many, but a few. 
I get that this needs to be funny, entertaining, etc.  Even that some people just want to be on tv for the sake of being on tv.
But this is what gets me about some people that try out that really think they have a shot and stink and leave crying or upset:
  1. If you never auditioned before, do not make this your first.  Get some experience so you have practice with rejection.  Even go for a free lesson many vocal coaches are willing to provide to see if you really have something.
  2. If you are really bad, didn’t someone have the heart to tell you so?  Like your mom?  She should have saved you the embarrassment.
  3. If you are really bad-accept it. These people are in the music industry-trust them; they are not lying to you to “keep you down”.  They know real talent.  Look at Simon’s track record  Lots of success there.
  4. Whether you are good or not, try to look presentable.  I am not saying get a stylist, but if you can, do it.  If you can’t then at least comb your hair and wear something clean.  Seriously.  And no gimmicks.  Again, refer to your mom-unless she is some kind of wacko, she will give it to you straight.
  5. Pick a song the judges like.  It is common knowledge that there are some songs Simon is not going to like.  Do not pick it.  I love to sing Pat Benetar but know he would cringe if that is what I came in with.
Rant off.  Feedback welcome!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You Don't Know Me...

Ben Folds-You Don't Know Me
How is it that an entire year-just about-or is it more-has passed without any thing new on here?

I am going to post as often as I can. I do not claim to be any music guru, I just know what I like, so that will be the focus of the New & Improved niknrob22052 blog. Ha ha. Feel free to add links and tell me what you think.

I want to let you know what I have been listening to. It goes in phases.

Phase One: Lily Allen and Kate Nash-two British girls who are very cheeky and fun. (Not G rated.)
Lily Allen -Smile
Kate Nash-Merry Happy

Phase Two: J Lo-say what you will, but I like her. (G rated)
Jennifer Lopez-ft. Ja Rule

Phase Three: pop music. This is the stuff my kids like that I wind up running over and over and over in my head. Then we take a line from a song and incorporate into our daily speak.
So this Bubble gum becomes us randomly singing "chew all of your bubble gum"
and this Melody was thought to be "like my eyeballs pop outta place" and then just the real chorus sung, on repeat with Ryan and I.
You get the gist...

Now I am on an Alica Keys are the boys...

State of Mind

A phase lasts a long time, so the Alicia kick may end up as a phase seeing as how I have a bunch of her cd's coming in from the library.

More to follow....