Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Grammy's Slammied

I watched the whole thing!  I have to say this, because in previous years, I skip through to just see the acts I know.  This year, except for Maxwell (sorry any fans) I knew all the acts and recipients.  Country, R&B, Beyonce, Taylor Swift.
I think it was a good show, it did not disappoint.  From the opening with Lady Gaga and Elton John mixed up and singing to the MJ tribute, with, might I point out, two American Idol ladies.

I think the most touching moment, brought a tear to my eye, was Taylor accepting one of her awards.  Referring to herself as that little girl who people said one day we may see at the Grammy's.  The humbleness she brings to the biz is refreshing if you ask me.

 I also felt for MJ's kids.  You could tell how nervous they were.  I am glad to see they were there though, to see that the fans did love him.

Pink's performance was pretty dang special too.  I could have done without the water, but the acrobatics were amazing and the fact that she sounded so good doing it...even better.

The one thing I did not like is how there were a ton of awards given out that were not announced.  I love Colbie Calliet and her's was nowhere to be found.  I know, we would have to watch for 5 hours if they announced 'em all on the broadcast. 
Here is a link for the complete list of winners.
And the website to see what you  missed at the Grammy's.

ONTO THE MAIN EVENT-American Idol is singling in on Hollywood Week, and I think it should have been there already. Alright already with Posh-nice as she is-as guest judge and bad auditions. Bring on the real talent.
At their website, they are listing NOTHING yet!  I was hoping to see a re-cap of some of the Hollywood hopefuls, but not yet.  I called Carrie Underwood from her audition, so let's see who we get this year.  I call the girl from Barney as a finalist in at least the top 24...Erica Rhodes.


  1. OMG, MJ's kids was so touching. And Paris is such a pretty little girl, isn't she?

  2. Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not...just askin'.
