Thursday, January 5, 2012

A little morbid, so what!

I am going to try to update this blog way more.  My mind is active. 

This all may fall on no-one, but my kids can read it some day and think there mom is/was a kook.  (Oh, they already do.)  The apples don't fall far from the tree either.

So, in thinking ahead...

Every time I hear certain songs, I think they would be great at my memorial (I want to be cremated, so no funeral needed, but I do want some people crying that I am gone, see apples mentioned above). My own dear family would "get it", me wanting to have these songs played.  
My middle name is Sunshine, so that should explain all this madness.

Sunshine on my Shoulders cuz my mama always sang that to me when I was little

I am sure there are tons more Sunshine songs, but this will do.

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