The pained look on his face says it all. Practice is no fun.
When Ryan agreed to get a guitar, he also signed up for six months of lessons. He is working on the D chord this week and the song Jingle Bells, which he better learn by Christmas. He sort of knows Happy Birthday already.
I seem to be picking some of it up too. His guitar teacher, Nathan, is super patient, unlike ME!
Every song we hear, from Katy Perry, to the Eagles he asks if it has guitar in it.
Who is the best guitar player? he asks. (Jimi Hendrix, I reply.)
Will Papa Dennis teach me a song when he comes to visit? he asks. (I'm sure he will, I reply.)
He has the hair for a rocker!
(here is a link to a funny This American Life about music lessons, with my fav's Sarah Vowell and David Sedaris)
Get him an electric.. He will have more fun with it. And for god sakes, let him listen to Metallica.