Well, after many haircuts, Kyle has finally arrived at a buzz cut.
This has been a long journey, which seems really odd now. He really had a thing for wanting long hair.
After getting teased, called names by kids at school (she/male, gay, etc *yes, this is elementary school*) I think it finally got to him enough to cut his hair. Plus, no knots to deal with and really quick showers after gymnastics.
After 9 years with this sweet boy, I am just realizing he is Overly Sensitive. Duh. The crying, the being overwhelmed, not liking loud noises. I have taken a whole new approach with him, which seems to be working. I am educating myself on how to deal with all of this.
Kyle is such a sweet boy and always wants to help littler kids. He has mostly friends that are girls ("Mom, if you marry a girl, and the boys all play with boys, then who is gay?" hmm, you have a point. This comment on his being called gay, and by the way, he likes the girls, yes, in that way.)
He is doing well in school, although hates AR and having to read. He normally gets 100's on spelling. He so loves the projects, and usually gets them done the first week, even when he has a month to work on it.
He will be competing again in gymnastics as Level 4. He would have to go 3 times a week (3 hours a practice) to be Level 5 now, and that is just too much. It should be a fun season.