Tuesday, September 30, 2008

These foolish things

These Foolish Things
Okay, so this is my blog, but I have two websites, a myspace and facebook account. Is this all really necessary? I think I will have to eliminate something.

Just funny thoughts.
Called my dad to tell him this yesterday
Ryan likes to change up wording in common phrases. Ex: Jack squat became Jack Squad.
Lolly pop guild became Lolly pop gills (a new fish breed?).

I heard the song, Yes, we have no bannanas, which reminded me of my childhood. I thought the kids would like it because they love the Madonna song "I'm going Banana's" from Dick Tracy soundtrack. Also, we had to watch Pico & Sepulveda, La Brea Tar Pits on youtube, a childhood favorite along with Dead skunk in the middle of the road. (boy, my dad has an odd sense of music sometimes.)

What songs remind you of your childhood?


  1. Nicole, my Nicole,
    It sounds like Ryan is a chip off the old Robbie block...remember your Lip Sync B-day party with Hall and Oats...didn't Robbie change those words similarly to what you described here??? Maybe I am mistaken, but that's what this made me think of....
    Love you!!!
    Hee hee hee

  2. That is totally true. He also thought that the No Doubt song was totally different than it was. Yes, chip off the old block.
    Happy New Year. Got your text.

  3. OH yes, who didn't change the words to songs? Who doesn't now? I'm always amazed by what the girls think the lyrics are, compared to what they actually are!

    Who can forget from my youth... "Dirty Deeds and the Dunder Chief?" Made sense to me!

    We still sing the "Dead Skunk" song in car whenever the smell seeps into the car. All talking must stop until the song is sung and with gusto!!

    Love ya,

  4. I told my kids about Dirty Deeds and the Dunder Chief, I remembered your goof!

  5. Hey Nicole glad you are going to do a blog to keep the family updated.. I do a Davis-Benware Family Update every couple of months otherwise everyone has to rely on my myspace acct. And what I remember as a kid about Robbie's singing was that it left alot to the imagination. lol Take care, Ronalynn
