Tuesday, September 30, 2008

These foolish things

These Foolish Things
Okay, so this is my blog, but I have two websites, a myspace and facebook account. Is this all really necessary? I think I will have to eliminate something.

Just funny thoughts.
Called my dad to tell him this yesterday
Ryan likes to change up wording in common phrases. Ex: Jack squat became Jack Squad.
Lolly pop guild became Lolly pop gills (a new fish breed?).

I heard the song, Yes, we have no bannanas, which reminded me of my childhood. I thought the kids would like it because they love the Madonna song "I'm going Banana's" from Dick Tracy soundtrack. Also, we had to watch Pico & Sepulveda, La Brea Tar Pits on youtube, a childhood favorite along with Dead skunk in the middle of the road. (boy, my dad has an odd sense of music sometimes.)

What songs remind you of your childhood?