Friday, October 10, 2008

A Change Will Do You Good.

Well, after many haircuts, Kyle has finally arrived at a buzz cut.
This has been a long journey, which seems really odd now. He really had a thing for wanting long hair.
After getting teased, called names by kids at school (she/male, gay, etc *yes, this is elementary school*) I think it finally got to him enough to cut his hair. Plus, no knots to deal with and really quick showers after gymnastics.

After 9 years with this sweet boy, I am just realizing he is Overly Sensitive. Duh. The crying, the being overwhelmed, not liking loud noises. I have taken a whole new approach with him, which seems to be working. I am educating myself on how to deal with all of this.

Kyle is such a sweet boy and always wants to help littler kids. He has mostly friends that are girls ("Mom, if you marry a girl, and the boys all play with boys, then who is gay?" hmm, you have a point. This comment on his being called gay, and by the way, he likes the girls, yes, in that way.)

He is doing well in school, although hates AR and having to read. He normally gets 100's on spelling. He so loves the projects, and usually gets them done the first week, even when he has a month to work on it.

He will be competing again in gymnastics as Level 4. He would have to go 3 times a week (3 hours a practice) to be Level 5 now, and that is just too much. It should be a fun season.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Everyday Is A Winding Road

Everyday Is A Winding Road

The pained look on his face says it all. Practice is no fun.
When Ryan agreed to get a guitar, he also signed up for six months of lessons. He is working on the D chord this week and the song Jingle Bells, which he better learn by Christmas. He sort of knows Happy Birthday already.
I seem to be picking some of it up too. His guitar teacher, Nathan, is super patient, unlike ME!

Every song we hear, from Katy Perry, to the Eagles he asks if it has guitar in it.
Who is the best guitar player? he asks. (Jimi Hendrix, I reply.)
Will Papa Dennis teach me a song when he comes to visit? he asks. (I'm sure he will, I reply.)

He has the hair for a rocker!

(here is a link to a funny This American Life about music lessons, with my fav's Sarah Vowell and David Sedaris)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

These foolish things

These Foolish Things
Okay, so this is my blog, but I have two websites, a myspace and facebook account. Is this all really necessary? I think I will have to eliminate something.

Just funny thoughts.
Called my dad to tell him this yesterday
Ryan likes to change up wording in common phrases. Ex: Jack squat became Jack Squad.
Lolly pop guild became Lolly pop gills (a new fish breed?).

I heard the song, Yes, we have no bannanas, which reminded me of my childhood. I thought the kids would like it because they love the Madonna song "I'm going Banana's" from Dick Tracy soundtrack. Also, we had to watch Pico & Sepulveda, La Brea Tar Pits on youtube, a childhood favorite along with Dead skunk in the middle of the road. (boy, my dad has an odd sense of music sometimes.)

What songs remind you of your childhood?